Human Resources

Our Human Resources Policy

The basis of our Human Resources Policy is to build human resources processes where all our employees can multiply their success stories in their career journeys and to ensure the continuity of these processes. At the same time, this journey includes providing equal opportunities to all our employees and demonstrating a fair management approach.

Contribution to Employment

Konpak Ambalaj aims to provide a happy shopping experience to every customer at every point in Turkey. In line with the targeted growth strategy, it contributes to employment in the region and our country with the new branches to be opened.

Career Management

At Konpak Ambalaj, career and performance management systems are managed in the light of the main principles determined by the Human Resources Department. In order to ensure the continuity of a sustainable high performance culture in our organization, individual targets, which include the functional equivalents of the company’s main targets, are evaluated through the system with a balanced distribution model.

Likewise, within the scope of the determined competencies, the competencies of each employee are evaluated 360 degrees. In line with all these systems, the knowledge, skills and competencies defined for each position are brought together in the Human Resources Planning (HRP) study, and career management is planned for each employee. In the HRP study, the talents that add value to the vision of our organization with their success are defined.

By determining the learning and development processes of talents, motivation and commitment within our organization are supported.

In meeting the talent needs of our ever-growing organization, we prioritize our employees from our talent pool, which is comprised of our current employees.

In particular, each talent within our RD Organization is included in our weekly Assessment Center application for determined career opportunities.

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